Saturday, March 28, 2015

About some of my recent posts

Welcome to my Blog

I enjoy doing photography-my main arenas of work until now are majorly-Street Photography & Abstract Photography,although I sometimes post photos on nature,I should thank my sister for encouraging me for posting my photos-over the internet,without her idea this won't be possible,
I use photography as a tool to convey my feelings towards life,I believe every single person in this world is made up through their experiences & memories.Every single person breathing in this world at this point of time is special no matter what ,even the guy who leads the most boring life & spends all his day with day dreams is also special.Sometimes we forget to understand the basic thing which can make us feel good about ourselves is to see through our lives & rectify the parts that needs to be done.No matter whosoever you see in this world has so much yet to discover!
Even in the worst people you will see there are still so much to learn,the more you integrate the more you discover-the more you discover-the more you try to see through your life-the more run your life in front of your eyes the more you will understand that is still yet to learn,that will shape us to be the person of our own dreams.

Life in Kolkata

Life in Kolkata is really different,I am not saying that life in other cities is boring but here people have a habbit of walking together,even though you see people so busy in their life still at the end of the day you see them asking you how was your day,just with little knowledge of each other people can catch a conversation,yes you may have confrontations (which is normal whenever you have different views on a topic) still you can feel them trying to know you & share your experiences.
But the sad part of this kind of life is people will always try to put their nose in your business.
I tried to take up the atmosphere of the place,I shot this around noon with a soft sun above my head in winter.The houses depict that they are old so is the man standing in the shades with his old ways of thinking,I hope you enjoy.

School Life 

I came across students everyday,so I had been thinking about how to reflect their life,
at a very young age the people gets burdened with responsibilities in their family.
The joint family set up although seems really good but many times it gets hard having people talking behind your back-their conversations mostly include about your career & relationships.
In this picture some part of the hard Indian Life gets reflected in the young man's face,rushing from school to home.Schools & parents need to encourage co curricular activities which might perhaps reduce stress on these poor souls & also perhaps give them a chance to show their talents & outstanding capabilities.  

                                                           The Garbage Cleaning Day

The Garbage stations creates a big chaos in the streets when it comes to cleaning it probably once or twice a week,making passers by & pedestrians endure the foul smell.The Government should try to take some steps for reducing the odor of garbage as it often has a bad effect on people's health,Just imagine yourself stuck yourself in a traffic jam beside one of these vats with a huge pile of waste materials!